Osteopathy During Pregnancy & for New Mums

Our Services Osteopathy During Pregnancy & for New Mums

Up to 50% of pregnant women experience pelvic and back pain at some stage throughout their pregnancy.

Throughout pregnancy, the body experiences mechanical, postural, and hormonal changes that increase stress on joints, ligaments and muscles in the pelvis and lower back. This increased load often results in tension, stiffness, and discomfort. Osteopaths specialise in offering manual therapy, exercise guidance, and postural recommendations during pregnancy helping to reduce the pain and discomfort for the expectant mums.

Getting your body ready for birth

Osteopaths work with women across all trimesters of pregnancy to prepare your body for labour and birth:

  • Carry out a thorough assessment to identify any musculoskeletal or postural issues;
  • Develop a management plan that consists of manual therapy and exercise to help your body for labour and birth;
  • Provide individualised treatment to increase movement and reduce pain;
  • Provide specific exercise, positioning, and postural advice to aid with comfort and reduce postural fatigue;
  • Liaise with your midwife, obstetrician or GP and provide appropriate referral, if necessary.

After birth

‘New mums tend to suffer from neck and back strains and often develop tendon related injuries in the wrist or thumb from picking up and breastfeeding their newborn babies’.

After childbirth, your body undergoes significant changes, and osteopathy offers targeted solutions for a smoother recovery. Pantelis provides tailored treatments addressing postnatal complications such as pelvic floor issues, discomfort, and musculoskeletal imbalances. Through a combination of manual therapy, postural advice, and personalised exercise plan you can return to exercising safely.

Osteopathy can promote your well-being, optimal recovery and help you embrace the joys of motherhood with comfort and confidence.

Our Fees

Initial Consultation/Treatment

(45 Minutes)


Follow-up Treatment

(30 Minutes)


Initial Consultation/Treatment

(45 Minutes)


Follow-up Treatment

(30 Minutes)


Contact us for an appointment