What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a holistic system of medicine without the use of drugs or surgery that focuses on the whole body by treating and supporting the neuro-musculoskeletal system, which is made up of the bones, muscles, nerves and other tissues that support your body and control its movements. Osteopaths use your individual medical history and environmental factors to understand the root cause of your pain to develop a personalised plan to help you manage your pain and move better. Its aim is to emphatically influence the body’s nervous, circulatory, digestive and lymphatic systems.

Do I need to see my GP first?

Generally no. Most patients self-refer without consulting a GP first. If you have severe health problems and complicated medical history, you might wish to consult with your GP first. If you have any questions please contact us.

E: px.osteopathy@gmail.com

Who can benefit?

Assessment and treatment is available to everyone and can benefit people from all walks of life, whether one is a sedentary office-based worker, elderly, fitness enthusiast or professional athlete.

Pantelis often treats many people suffering from work-related injuries. Occupational injuries can be caused by poor ergonomics, manual handling of heavy loads, misuse or failure of equipment, repetitive movements and unsuitable posture. He can also advise on correct posture, back care and also prescribe with preventative exercises. These can prevent as well as limit the various aches and pains which often result from such injuries.

What to expect when attending for a consultation?

During the first consultation, Pantelis will initially spend some time with you taking a medical history, which will include questions about your general health and lifestyle as well as specific questions about your symptoms or injuries. Test results, blood test, x-rays and scan reports, should also be provided for consideration if available.

With your consent Pantelis will then perform a physical examination which is likely to involve contact with the areas of your body that are experiencing pain and directing you to perform specific movements.

He will perform a wide variety of muscle tests in order to establish areas of dysfunction.

Patients are able to be actively involved in their assessment and have an immediate source of feedback through muscle testing. In this way, patients are able to adopt a much greater sense of responsibility towards their illness and can have a greater awareness of their body’s dysfunction.

Pantelis will test for basic mechanical defects; any possible connection of visceral dysfunction (that is, the function of the associated gland or organ); stress levels in the body; and, where relevant, cranial and pelvic distortion.

It may be necessary to remove some clothing, so that he can see and touch the areas of the body concerned. If you are uncomfortable undressing to your underwear, please wear clothing, such as shorts and T-shirts, or close fitting garments, that will enable your him to work effectively without making you feel uncomfortable. Please inform him during your consultation of your preferences, or talk to him before the consultation.

Pantelis will make a diagnosis and discuss the best possible course of treatment with you. If he believes that your condition would not be improved with osteopathic treatment he will refer you to your GP or another suitably qualified professional and may provide you with notes explaining the diagnosis and why he feels osteopathic treatment would not help you.

What does the treatment involve?

Generally there will be time during the initial consultation for him to provide treatment, assuming you have consented and he believes he can help.

Follow up treatment consultations vary between 45 and 30 minutes. Depending on the complexity of the problem, he will advise you at the initial consultation as to what is best.

Treatment may involve any combination of manipulation, mobilization, neuromuscular techniques, soft tissue massage, acupuncture and rehabilitation exercises. The treatment is tailored to each individual and is encouraged through advice on posture, lifestyle, nutritional support, aid to stress-related problems and exercise. This clinical advice aims to help patients understand the nature of their problem so that they can return to their everyday activities as soon as possible.

Can I bring someone with me?

Yes, of course you can. It’s a good idea for your own support and for them to understand your condition. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible and if you would like a family member or friend to act as a chaperone they are more than welcome. Please note that any patient under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

What are your consultation fees?
  • Initial Consultation/Treatment (45 min) for €55
  • Follow-up Treatment (30 min) for €45
How many sessions do I need?

Treatment is based on the individual rather than the dysfunction/disease, and so each treatment programme is unique to each person. The number of treatments often depends on how long the problem has been there and how severe it is. As an average, most patients attain improvement by 3-5 treatment sessions.

What is the difference between an Osteopath and a Physiotherapist?

Osteopaths and Physiotherapists are all specialists at diagnosing musculoskeletal problems: sports injuries, nerve and joint pain. They are skilled at spotting the contraindications of treatment, and knowing when to refer a patient elsewhere. They also offer exercise and lifestyle advice. There are many similarities between the two professions, the main difference being the philosophy behind each treatment. Osteopaths tend to provide a more holistic approach to the treatment rather than focusing only on the specifics of the disease/dysfunction.

What is the difference between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor?

This is actually a more difficult question to answer than you might imagine. The real answer is that there are differences in the philosophy and the treatment approach. However, there is a huge variance in the ways that individuals within both professions practice. Both professions are highly trained to be excellent clinicians and to care for your health first and foremost.

Can I use my insurance?

Yes, our practitioners are registered with all major insurance providers. Most private and medical insurance schemes cover Osteopathy but individual policies may vary. Some insurance companies require a referral from your doctor. Should you like to be treated under insurance cover, please contact your insurer to find out their requirements.